
Importance of mathematics for students

Everyone agrees that learning math is difficult for most people. Some feel that learning math is not important, while some feel it is very important for life. Math is important due to 3 important reasons math is useful everywhere in life: children need math for their overall development, and god created math for humans. If we focus on the first reason, math is useful everywhere as it is used in day-to-day life. Math helps us learn new things in life and also helps in teaching new things to others. When a student becomes an adult, he will use math while doing business or on the job.  Every career needs math like musicians, teachers, accountants, mothers, and fashion designers, etc. No one in the world does not use math in some or the other way in life. The second vital reason is children need maths as it teaches patience to students. It also teaches curiosity in students, like the reason for using the formula, why the equation is solved like this, why the number is negative, etc.

Covid-19 pandemic and online learning

  Pandemic and Online classes A few years back no one even thought of online classes but now it is the only way to teach. Every other school around the globe is shut because of the COVID-19 and this came up as the solution to carry on with the teaching and learning process. It is more than one year since the pandemic and the online tuitions have become inevitable.   The shift to online classes was sudden in many parts of the world. While few parts of the world were already into this technology-friendly interaction but for a few this was completely new. Few platforms did provide  online CBSE maths tuition   along with other subjects. But it became a hit only after the lockdown happened and the schools had to think of a way to continue teaching without physical interaction.   Online classes did open a very new window of perspective for the teachers and students. While teachers can continue their job of knowledge sharing from any corner and the students have got exposure to many c